
EXP 2 Final Submission

Electroliquid Concept: Create an illusion of large space by using highwalls with slits that natural lights come through.
The idea of this marker is come from Rubik's Cube.
The Rubik's Cube, is made of several small cubes which all in different colour, which let me associate with the multicutral of Blacktown. Build a rotated cube like shown in the above picture would be really interesting, but instead of doing that, I decide to come up with a integrated shape to presents solidarity and fraternity of the multicultural peoples of Blacktown。 
Also,I choose the colour of Australian Aborignial flag to show respect to Blacktown's Aboriginal past. 

Yellow windows on walls and roof connet inside and outside. Daylight pours in during the day, bright every corner in the marker. At night, lights come out from windows, let the maker like a star shinning in sky. 

Instead of choose 3 unrelated textures, I use this whole series of textures in my model.
The textures have been used on stairs, manage to develop a gradual change from dark to light.

Once step into the marker through a narrow and rayless space,the white large bright upper space gives great sensory impact to visitors.

The front part is open, has a good view of the sports stadium not far away.

